LINKMED® IE HL7 Communication Drivers
The LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Communication Drivers communicate with remote system through TCP/IP socket connections, the TCP/IP drivers, also can send and receive information in virtually any formats over any protocols, effectively bridging other systems with the LINKMED® Interface environment.
Sends and receives HL7 messages via HL7's Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) over TCP/IP.
Supports non-standard, custom and user-defined headers and trailers.
HL7 Messages can be filtered by sending facilities, message types or by any of HL7 segment's fields.
Listens or sends on any port number, LAN, VPN.
Error log and detail log file for interface trouble shooting.
Accepts all HL7 message types and automatically validates and sends standard HL7 message acknowledgements back to client(s).
Accepts multiple connections on the same port and route messages to user-defined destinations.
Accepts HL7 query messages and sends HL7 query response messages.
Can be configured for application level message validation.
Built-in firewall allows the receiver to accept message from allowed IP address only (up to 50 IP addresses).
Can be configured to receive and send non-HL7 message sends via TCP/IP user-defined protocols such as XML documents, Words documents, PDF documents, etc.
Reads, Writes and filters HL7 messages to SQL database or LINKMED® internal intermediate database.
Runs unobstructively as service.
LINK Medical Computing, Inc also offers a library of specially developed tools that complement and enhance the functionality of the LINKMED® IE HL7 TCP/IP Drivers.
LINKMED® IE HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter:
LINKMED® IE HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter communicates with remote system through TCP/IP socket connections. HL7 messages can be wrapped using HL7 MLLP protocols or user-defined protocols (headers and trailers).
LINKMED® TCP/IP Transmitter can send and receive information in virtually any formats over any protocols, effectively bridging other systems with the LINKMED® Interface environment.
Sends HL7 result and query messages.
Receives HL7 acknowledgements and HL7 query response.
Can be configured to send message length and size encoding prior to sending actual HL7 message.
Automatically re-send message if no acknowledgement is received or remove message out of the queue.
Can be configured to send non-HL7 message via TCP/IP user-defined protocols such as XML documents, Words documents, PDF documents, etc.