End user installation and post warranty support:
LINK Medical's Support Team demonstrates a commitment to supporting our customers in all phases of technical support, including using our software, providing assistance for installation and proceeding through post warranty support. LINK Medical strives to "productize" the development and installation of interfaces by using our LINKMED® integration technology and widely accepted standards such as HL7 and TCP/IP. LINK Medical also makes extensive use of web-based or VPN remote access for remote installation and support purposes. This allows LINK Medical to minimize travel and installation costs normally associated with more traditional, service oriented custom interfaces.
Vendor Support Programs:
LINK Medical provides a wide range of programs for vendor partners that go beyond installation and post-warranty support of any specific interface. LINK Medical begins by working closely with each partner to develop a robust, supportable interface into and/or out of the vendor's system. LINK Medical tests, documents and standardizes the interface following the first three beta site installations. LINK Medical then develops pre-sale procedures and documentation that aid the vendor's sales efforts, enables the gathering of appropriate information, sets correct customer expectations and defines requirements and responsibilities.
Post sale
LINK Medical manages the implementation process through customer sign-off and the hand-off to support.
Post installation
LINK works closely with its vendors to define areas of responsibility, develop FAQ's and ensure that support to the customer is seen as seamless, especially where first and second line support are divided between LINK Medical and the vendor.
LINKMED® Contact Phone Numbers |
Phone : + 1- 617- 676- 6165 |
Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST Optional 7/24 Available E-mail: Support@linkmed.com Mailing Address 1208 B VFW Parkway, suite 203 Boston, MA 02132 - 4349 |
LINKMED® IE Technologies and HIPAA Compliancy Statement

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are having a profound impact on the healthcare industry. HIPAA mandates the establishment of standards governing the security and privacy of individually identifiable protected health information (PHI) that is electronically transmitted or maintained by providers, payers and clearinghouses.
LINK Medical sometime receives request from our customers to give statement on how the LINKMED® software comply with the HIPAA regulation in order to help IT administrator manage patient information that flow through the LINKMED® interface (s)
Data flows between Systems
LINKMED® Application is password protected, Data conversion can be encrypted at field level. LINK Medical makes this option available to users when creating their Interface Templates from the LINKMED® Dynamic Mapper Application so data translation can be view by authorized personnel only.
HL7 Messages transfer between system via TCP/IP (MLP) communication protocols or VPN can also be encrypted using LINK Medical's Encryption Technology or customer third party software.
LINKMED® Select Application
The LINKMED® Select allows users to view and download patient test orders from the LINKMED® Intermediate database, user's access limitation to the intermediate database can be configured from the "Network Administrator Console" of the LINKMED® Select Application.
Patient Records stored in the LINKMED® Intermediate database are purged by the LINKMED® Interface Management Application daily (Users defined).
Detail Interface Transaction Exchange Log
All Interface transactions log are kept in the LINKMED® interface folders for a limited time and purged by the LINKMED® Interface Management Application daily. The interface purging processes are configured by authorized interface administrator(s).
Due to patient data privacy and confidentiality issues, new technologies must be HIPAA capable and compliant. LINK Medical Computing, Inc has architected its platform to ensure that patient rights and confidentiality are protected at all times. All data communication can be encrypted at field level to ensure that patient information is secured. LINK Medical will continue to ensure HIPAA compliance in its products and technologies.
E-mail: support@linkmed.com
Privacy Policy
LINKMED® Client Privacy PolicyYour information is collected when you fill out our software download form or buying our products from Google checkout. We use your information to better serve you, improve our customer services and to process your transactions and support.
Your email and Phone Numbers
We use your email to contact you in regard to your transactions or support purposes, we will not sell or exchange your email with any party. Software update or hot fix will be posted on our website and email to our clients that have email on file. We will call you on your phone numbers provided to us for support or confirmation of a transaction purposes only. We will not sell or exchange your phone numbers with any party.