LINKMED® Bi-directional HL7 Interface
(Web-enabled Interface Engine)
LINKMEDs® HL7 TCP/IP Communication Drivers
communicate with remote system through TCP/IP socket connections.
HL7 messages can be wrapped using HL7 MLLP protocols or
user-defined protocols (headers and trailers). The LINKMED®
HL7 TCP/IP Drivers communication protocols are configured
in the drivers configuration dialog box.
LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Communication Drivers can send and
receive information in virtually any formats over any protocols,
effectively bridging other systems with the LINKMED®
Interface environment.
Currently there are two types of LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP
Receiver (File-based Receiver and Mapper-based Receiver)
File-based Receiver:The Receiver receiving stream
HL7 message from client, coverts HL7 message to file then
sends HL7 ACK to client
Mapper-based Receiver: The receiver receiving HL7
message from client, processes the HL7 message
then sends HL7 ACK back to client
LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver Features:
Accepts all HL7 message types and automatically
validates and sends standard HL7 message acknowledgements
back to client(s).
Accepts multiple connections on the same
port and route messages to user-defined destinations.
Accepts HL7 query messages and sends HL7
query response messages.
- Can be configured for application level message validation.
Built-in firewall allows the receiver
to accept message from allowed IP address only (up to
50 IP addresses)
Can be configured to receive non-HL7 message
sends via TCP/IP user-defined protocols such as XML documents,
Words documents, PDF documents, etc.
Reads, Writes and filters HL7messages
to SQL database or LINKMED® internal intermediate
Runs unobstructively as service
LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter Features:
- Sends HL7 result and query messages.
- Receives HL7 acknowledgements and HL7 query response.
- Can be configured to send message length and size encoding
prior to sending actual HL7 message.
- Automatically re-send message if no acknowledgement is
received or remove message out of the queue.
- Can be configured to send non-HL7 message via TCP/IP user-defined
protocols such as XML documents, Words documents, PDF documents,
The LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP drivers can send and receive
information in virtually any format over many TCP/IP protocols,
effectively bridging other systems with the LINKMED®
Interface environment.
Inbound interface
HIS sends HL7 messages----------> LINKMED® HL7
TCP/IP Receiver-----------> Parsed HL7 to Vendor's
Outbound Interface
Vendor's System creates study result----------> LINKMED®
Interface creates HL7 result message----------> LINKMED®
HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter sends HL7 result message-------->HIS
or EMR systems
2-LINKMED® Dynamic Message Mapper:
Message Mapper is used to create interface templates and interface
logic for vendor's applications or systems intergrating or exchange data with other HL7 compatible systems.
LINKMED® Dynamic Message Mapper Features:
Native support for standard HL7 version
2.x and HL7 version 3 (when available), also support other
standard messaging format such as: XML, ASTM, ASCII, CSV,
NVP, SQL and user- defined.
Graphical user interface (GUI) allows
user to visually learn its functionalities in order to
create an interface template in a short time.
Mapping data from one format to virtually
any another format including the "What you want"
Built-in HL7 message library (up to version
Supports new ASTM CCR and HL7 CDA.
Featuring check box located next to HL7
segment's fields allowing users to check only the segment
field needed to include in their interface.
Available internal intermediate database
for storing un-needed data but needed to re-create HL7
result messages to send back to the HIS or EMR systems
(DBFor MySQL) when bi-directional interface is required.
Easy to learn "Mapper Rules"
(the LINKMED® Interface Engine Tags) uses for data
manipulation such as moving value from one filed to another
or concatenate data from many fields and output into one
Once the interface templates had been created,
it can be re-used in other similar interface setting at
different site (even when HL7 message and version are different).
This design provides our integration team with time saving in interface implementation by avoiding to
re-create "Interface Template(s)" from scratch.
3. Inbound Interface:
The LINKMED® Interface Engine processed filtered
and reformatted HL7 and non-HL7 format to other file format
by reading the Interface template. The following are LINKMED®
default Inbound HL7 interface workflows:
HIS or EMR systems send HL7 messages to
LINKMED® interface.
LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver receives
and sends HL7 message acknowledgements.
LINKMED® Receiver creates HL7 messages.
- HL7 messages passed through LINKMED® Interface Engine (Changes to Vendor's file format)
Parsed HL7 messages are imported to
vendors applications or systems.
- Patient demographics information is automatically stored
in LINKMED® intermediate database.
In Bi-directional interface LINKMED®
interface assigned unique key identifiers (ORM) for study
result reconciliation
LINKMED® Interface, by defaul, accepts HL7 ADT
updates to HL7 Order message (ORM) of the same patient, no interface template's configuration is needed
- Supports HL7 ADT patient merged message (Patient ID or Account numbers)

4. Outbound Interface:
The LINKMED® Interface Engine processed and reconciled
study reports with previously received ADT or Order message,
creates HL7 message (ORU or MDM) from a matched record's Key Identifiers and sends
to the report back to the HIS/EMR systems.
The following are LINKMED® default Outbound HL7 interface
Lab results, Diagnostic study or Transcribed
reports received back from Vendors systems are reconciled
with orders or ADT information's stored in the LINKMED®
interface intermediate database.
HL7 result message (ORU)or Documentation
(MDM) message is created if all records unique key identifiers
are matched.
Reports with unmatched unique key identifiers
are processed for later reconciliation with ADT or Order
sent from the HIS or EMR OE systems.
Study reports can be viewed and print
from LINKMED® Select client
HL7 result (ORU) or Documentation (MDM)
messages are configured specific to client's specifications
(down to HL7 field level).
5. Implementing the interface:
The following are LINKMED®
IE default interface trigering events:
HIS or EMR Systems
send HL7 ADT /Order message to
LINKMED® Interface.
Vendors creating
Mapper " Interface Template"
according to Vendors application
or system requirements.
Vendors activates
the LINKMED® Scheduler module
to trigger the interface
Vendors can configured
their system's command prompt call
to LINKMED® interface engine
to trigger their interfaces.
LINKMED® IE includes interface management utilities
Interface with:
- McKESSON STAR series 2000, HPF
- Eclipsys SCM
- MEDITECH, MAGIC (Client/Server), ITS
- AllScripts, TouchWork, MISYS
- Cerner CareConnection, Millennium, PowerChart®
- MedPlus ChartMaxx
- Epic Systems Corporation: HyperSpace (Spring 2006,
R1, R2)
- GE Centricity (IDX)CareCast/LastWord
- Quovadx (cloverleaf)
- eGate
- Others HL7 compliant systems