EPLINK is an interface and work-flow enhancement
middleware that effectively enables users to receive patient
demographics and/or EP Orders from a hospital information
system and makes that data available to one or more of
BARDs LabSystemPRO. EPLINKs upload module
also enables confirmed EP test results to be automatically
uploaded back to a hospital information system for billing
and/or populating enterprise-wide electronic patient records.
Redundant and inaccurate data entry is minimized and users
are able to monitor the status of pending and completed
Orders at any time. EPLINK accepts all the necessary
components of an HL7 ADT and Order messages and retains
the information to generate HL7 result and/or billing
messages. By utilizing the accurate and comprehensive
data of the hospital information system, EPLINK minimizes
the opportunity for orders and tests to be misplaced or
lost. Furthermore, redundant and inaccurate data entry
of patient information such as; the Patients ID,
name, age, sex, race, location, height & weight, Order
#, the ordering physician and the test priority, is eliminated.
The standard interface is pre-configured to transmit (via
TCP/IP socket connection) an HL7 result message of the
LabSystemPRO text, PDF or XML reports back to HIS/EMR/PACS systems
- HL7 ADT/Order Messages flow from the Hospital Information
System (HIS) to EPLINK via standard HL7 TCP/IP Minimal Lower
Level Protocol (MLLP) socket connection. The HL7 ADT/Order
messages are processed and inserted into EPLINK's intermediate
The lab technician selects the appropriate
patients record from LabSystem PRO and proceeds
with the test.
EPLINK can also sends HL7 query to the
HIS and obtains patient demographics information if
no HL7 ADT/Order feed available
Following confirmation of the EP study on LabSystem
Pro, the study is automatically processed and reformatted
by EPLINK to HL7 Result message
- HL7 Result message is transmitted back to the HIS or EMR
systems via standard HL7 TCP/IP or FTP to a shared directory on the Network.
- New- LINKMED® Select application (Optional) Order/ Result can be accessed from a remote client PC
McKESSON STAR series 2000, HPF
MEDITECH, MAGIC (Client/Server), ITS
Cerner CareConnection, Millennium,
Epic Systems Corporation: HyperSpace
(Spring 2006, R1, R2)
GE Centricity (IDX)CareCast/LastWord
Others HL7 compliant systems