LINKMED® HL7 Transcription manages the flow of HL7
ADT/Order messages from the HIS or EMR systems and voice-files
from dictation systems to transcription Vendor's data
center for distributing to transcriptionist. LINKMED Transcription
process transcribed reports to HL7 result (ORU) or Documentation
(MDM) messages and sends those reports back to the HIS
or EMR systems. LINKMED® HL7 Transcription HL7 interface
can be configured to meet site specific need. Configuration
is managed by LINK
Medical integration personnel.
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription Interface Module:
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription Interface Module included the
following applications::
TCP/IP communication drivers
These applications are used to receive patient ADT/Order
feed from the HIS or EMR systems and send HL7 result
(ORU) or Documentation (MDM) messages back to the client
HIS or EMR systems via TCP/IP socket connection using
standard HL7 MLLP protocols.
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription WebSelect
application for transcriptionist and provider
This web-based application resides on vendor data center
and uses to view and download transcribe report templates
and dictation voice-files by off-site transcriptionist
using WeSelect client. Once users log-on, WebSelect
presents users a list that includes customized transcription
templates and dictation voice-files associated with
those templates.
Providers log-on to WebSelect to search for report status,
view and print their patients transcribed reports from
their office's computers with LINKMED® WebSelect client installed
at anytime day or night.
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription interface
management applications and database
These applications manage the transfer of data from/to
HIS and EMR systems in HL7 and proprietary formats.
Database management application works in conjunction
with the LINKMED® Scheduling application to automate
and maintain the interface.
LTInsert application (Directly inserts
data to SQL database)
This application is used to insert and update ADT/Order
information directly to Vendor's SQL or other types
of database.
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription Integration
with Vendor System
LINKMED® HL7 Transcription can be used to seamlessly
integrate with vendor's application, via http query, LINKMED®
HL7 Transcription interface allows vendor's application
- Performs search for ADT/Order
- Performs search for transcribed report
- Performs search for order status
- Reconcile voice file with ADT or Order
Intel Pentium class or AMD Server running
on Windows® 2003/2008 server or
Pentium or AMD class Interface PC running on Window®
2000Pro, XP Pro or Window® 7 Pro
Internet Information Services (IIS)
100 GB + Hard drive space
For Clinical Reporter, Practice
Management Interface or Dictation System Interface, please
contact LINK Medical directly at : 888-893-0900