Complex Message Mapping Made Easy
  • LINKTools® Mapper(LINK Mapper) provides an easy way for end-user to do a complex data mapping and building interface logic with an easy to understand interface engine tags
  • The "Mapping Features" of the LINK Mapper contain a series of unique Tags that perform specific function when read by LINKTools® interface engine. This technology allows end-user a better and faster way of building interface template
  • Interface Engine 's Tags are easy to learn and understand, each tags contains example of how to use it during data mapping
  • There are two types of Tags: The File Rules Tags and the Field Rules Tag
  • The File Rules option allows user to set condition, for example: to set a required filed (can be used for both HL7 and non-HL7 message)
  • The Field Rules options allow complex Mapping such as building logic or manipulate the data of that field.
    The Field Rules Mapping features can be used to move data from one field to another, concatenate data from multiple fields and output those data into one field, translates data from one system format to another system format or numerical value, creates logic or hardcode the field to output a constant value
  • Tag is inserted from the pick list into message segment's field level, this method allows end-user a full control of what data element should be sent in a given HL7 segment's field

LINKTools® Mapper Field Rules O
LINK Mapper Field Rules Configuration Screen



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