Mapper Fourth Row Options
The LINK Mapper fourth row feature options are: No DB Check
Box, Database type, Password? and P Button, DB Name, Table,
Server [or localhost], One Page, Display, Edit Button.
The Mapper fourth row contains directory of an interface intermediate
database and database types pick list: DBASE (DBF), MySQL,
Oracle SQL and MS SQL. The LINKMED® IE default
Interface intermediate database is MySQL. The pupose of using an iintermediate database is to store patient
ADT/Order and Key Identifiers(KID) information from the inbound
interface and use those KID to identify study reports before HL7 message
is created and sends back to the HIS or EMR system on the outbound interface
No DB: Check this box if your
interface does not require LINKMED® intermediate database,
if not checked user must choose an interface intermediate
database (default MySQL) by selecting DB type from the
drop down list
Database: Use in bi-directional
interface, the interface intermediate database keeps information
extracted from inbound messages and assigned Key Identifiers
for each record stored there. The LINKMED® Interface
engine uses the Key Identifires to reconcile order with
result. The following describes LINK Mapper supported
database types:
DBASE (DBF): This type of database is the most reliable and can be used for bi-directional HL7 interface. LINKMED® provides free customizable DBF Editor/Viewer for your convenience
IE uses MySQL as its default interface intermediate database
to store ADT/Order information and reconciles study
report with order before HL7 message is created
CHAR(n) UNICODE: This feature
is used in HL7 interface where message contains UNICODE
Don't Use Auto LT Fields:
LINK Mapper creates 5 default LT fields in the
intermediate database, check this button to suppress the
default fields from being created
Don't Create DB: This feature
is used when user already have SQL database and does not
want new interface database created
Don't add record: This feature
is used only to update records that already exist in vendor's SQL
database, options suppress new records from being added
to the database
Display: This feature is
used for displaying the HL7 segment's feld when view from " LINKMED® Select
" application and work only with LINKMED® DBASE
(DBF) database type. The Edit button in this column is used to edit field's description and field's characters lenght for viewing on LINKMED® Select

LINKMED® Mapper Fourth Row Options: Intermediate
Database selection drop down list
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