These applications are used for supporting
and managing your interface, for example: purging aged interface
backup transaction files, deleting aged interface log files,
performs automate interface maintenance, creating billing
batch file and others interface related support. The following
are LINKMED® interface utilities and interface support
UDAONE.exe: UDAONE application
is used to create HL7 batch billing message. The UDAONE.exe
interface triggering command is placed in "Run
Once a day" column of the scheduler. The HL7
batch message header and trailer can be configured from
the UDAONE configuration Options screen. Once done, place
UDAONE task in the scheduler to execute message batching
then specify time for the process to start
UDAMANY.exe: UDAMANY application
is used to split the Inbound batch file (CSV, HL7..etc)
into single record before processing through LINKMED®
Interface Engine. The UDAMANY.exe interface triggering
command is placed in "Run Once a day"or "Repetitive
Task" column of the scheduler.
Note: You use UDAMANY application
to split the batch file that contains more than 2,000
records per file, if your batch file contained less than
2, 000 records per file use the batch splitter in the
Mapper Global function instead
UDAREN.exe: The UDAREN application
is used to move and rename file from one interface folder
to another within the same drive. This utility is also
used to move PDF Documents or TIFF Image to an Image server
on the network
- UDACOPY.exe: This application is used by the LINKMED®
Interface module to copy interface transaction files for
- UDADEL.exe: This application is used by the LINKMED®
Interface management to delete aged interface transaction
files. This application reads the parameter specify in the
triggering command call to delete files older or equal to
certain day, for example: =10---> delete files that are
older or equal to 10 day
- LTManageOrder.ini: This ini file is used by the
LINKMED® Interface Management routine to maitain the
interface and interface intermediate database integrity.
You configure this ini file to automate the routine management
process of your interface by following examples giving inside
the file
- LTManageResultU.ini: Same function as above but
uses to manage the LINKMED® result reconciliation module
and Result reconcilliation interface intermediate database
- FTP.Bat and FTP.FTP: This bat file and its associates
FTP file is used to FTP batch billing message to an ftp
server. (User and FTP password are configured in the ftp.ftp

LINKMED® Interface Utility: Batch file splitter Configuration