LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter other Options
- Minimize check box: Check the "Minimize
on start application" allows the Transmitter dock to
the task tray when start (default)
- Do Not Minimize after 3 minutes check box:
Check this box allows the Transmitter window to stay open
for viewing messages being transmitted
- Detail Log File check box: Check this box
allows the Transmitter to create detail transactions log
of the result or query messages. The detail log file is
located in the same directory of the transmitter (The default
directory is: C:\LINKMED\CFGLINK\Archive!\SEND!)
- Disconnect if there is no file to transmit check
box: Check this box if your client required your
interface transmitter to disconnect from the server when
there is no result message to send
- Disconnect , Reconnect (60') check box:
Check this box aloows the Transmitter to send a heart-beat
signal to client server at 60 minutes interval (Keep connection

LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Transmitter HL7 Query Configuration
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