LINKMED® Interface Work-Flow_continue
Outbound Interface:
The LINKMED® Interface Engine processes and
reconciles study reports with ADT/Orders from Inbound interface
stored in LINKMED® Intermediate Interface database,
then creates HL7 result (ORU), Documentation (MDM) or Billing
messages and sends the result reporting back to the HIS
or EMR systems.
The following are LINKMED® default Outbound
HL7 interface workflow:
Lab results, Diagnostic study or Transcribed
reports received back from Vendors systems are reconciled
with orders or ADT information's stored in LINKMED®
intermediate database by matching with Key identifiers.
HL7 result message (ORU), Documentation
(MDM) and Billing message (DFT) are created when all record Key
identifiers are matched.
Reports with unmatched key identifiers
are processed for reconciled with ADT or Order
sent later (after the fact) from the HIS or EMR systems.
Reports can be viewed and printed from
LINKMED® WebSelect client application.
HL7 result (ORU), Documentation (MDM)
or Billing messages can be customized to meet client's
system specifications down to HL7 field level. Customized report can also be created to meet your system unique requirements

LINKMED® Message Mapper HL7 Inbound Interface Template