- LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver (LTRXFSV1.exe)
This LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver is file-based.
All inbound HL7 messages received are converted to files
before processing by the LINKMED® Interface Engine.
The following described the Receiver features:
- Receives HL7 messages
- Sends HL7 ACK
- Accepts multiple connections
- Accepts only Hl7 messages needed through message filtering
- Runs as service
This driver is shipped with a generic configuration (example
is shown below) and can be re-configured as necessary
to accommodate your interface requirements
- LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver Configuration
Before you begin
You need the following information in order to configure
the Receiver to receive HL7 messages and send proper
HL7 acknowledgements:
- Your system IP address
- Your system listening port numbers
- About The Receiver Options Configuration Window
When you start the receiver from LINKMED® Interface
Programs folder Start>LINK Medical>LINKMED®
Interface>LINK Receiver Service, the receiver window
appears. From this window you can do the following:
- Configure the Receiver to receive HL7 ADT/Order messages
- Configure the Receiver to send standard HL7 acknowledgments
- Make multiple copies of message received
- Filtering un-wanted HL7 message types
- Get statistic on Interface transactions

LINKMED® HL7 TCP/IP Receiver window